Before you get all bent out of shape over this, yes, there are exceptions.
I'm barely a millennial but I changed the first diaper for both of my kids after they were born...the first one was mainly due to the fact my wife couldn't stay awake. Also, I'll be the first to admit that there are lazy millennial dads out there, as I found out during my wife's labor. It was about 30 hours and I was up helping my wife for maybe 27 of those hour. The other three I was sleeping. The nurse commented on how helpful I was. I asked "are not all husbands like this?" She replied "no, a lot of them just sit there until it's time to push.
With that said, in 1983, 43% of fathers admitted they had never changed a diaper. Today that number is down to about 3%. I would guess that percentage would increase the further back in time you go.
Dads are spending 3x as much time with their kids when compared to previous generations. There is every increasing amounts of research that show dads are more involved than ever and it's changing the way kids see the world, as well as themselves.

According to studies, when fathers clothe, diaper, and bathe their children, the father-child relationship strengthens with time. That is something that today's fathers understand. According to research, millennial men have more egalitarian views on childcare and strive for a more equitable division of parenting responsibilities in their own houses. Although the numbers show that things aren't perfect—many dads admit that things aren't perfect in their homes (mom still does more)—a recent study found that modern dads devote 30 minutes more to daily household chores than their fathers
did, and they spend more time with their children than previous generations. That is enormous. Engaged fathers provide a wealth of benefits to their children. They're teaching our sons that dishes and laundry aren't "women's work," and they're educating our daughters that they're not inferior to boys (those things are just a part of being an adult). This trend of fathers doing more at home is beneficial not only to our children, but also to our marriages According to research, when woman takes on 60% or more of the parenting chores, the relationship between mom and dad suffers. Couples have healthier ties when fathers help around the house. Simple actions, such as dad loading the dishes, can have a huge impact.

Dads "repeatedly tell researchers they want to be more involved parents," according to Kevin Shafer, an associate professor of sociology at Brigham Young University. "However, public policy and social institutions often prevent them from being the dads they want to be," he says, "hurting moms, dads, and children alike." Paid parental leave for both mothers and fathers, as well as a shift in overall workplace culture, are urgently needed, according to Shafer. "Fathers who worked for firms with cultures and policies that fostered family involvement were more loving, emotionally engaged, and better co-parents," according to his findings.
Dads of days are doing so much that it's time for society to assist them. Many of today's fathers are conflicted, according to the authors of a recent Boston College research. They desire "to advance in their careers while also wanting to spend more time with their children [These are] fathers who claim that their children's best interests come first, but who are nonetheless particularly sensitive to the pressures of their workplace cultures." It is apparent that companies must alter in order to accommodate all parents. Perhaps then, the number of men who share equal responsibility for childcare (now 1 out of 3) will be more representative of the number of fathers who desire to do so.
To add to societal changes, you still hear stories about, usually older women, asking if "you're babysitting to give mommy a break." I've also encountered many men's rooms without changing tables...which is infuriating.